Sound System Culture in Ethiopia
On October 7th 2022 in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Jah Troopers tested their new sound system which they built-in Ethiopia, creating history as ‘the first Sound System team to repatriate to Ethiopia, Africa’, a statement and a cry of many Artists, Musicians and Rastafarians since the 1930’s when His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I was crowned, creating a global awareness of Africa, especially Ethiopia.
Ethiopia Launch
Over the past decade, members of the team have been relocating to Ethiopia and setting foundations for their families. With prominent members of the team all being present and settled in Ethiopia 2022 marked the year for the Sound to officially make its stamp and showcase Jah Troopers Sound System publicly.
The Sound test was held at the Caribbean / Ethiopian restaurant ‘Bahir Dar Breeze’ which is situated near to the City centre, with beautiful scenery looking over Lake Tana, headwaters of the Nile. The event was not a public event but customers in the restaurant were able to sit in and enjoy the experience while eating their tasty dishes.
Taking it back to the foundation
Jah Troopers Sound is diverse in their styles of playing and music selection but for this event they took it back to their Reggae roots and played in the original sound system style with the manipulation of sound effects, echo delays, bass cuts, reverb and riddim chopping also known as ‘mixing’, with live Toasters / MCs freestyling over dub/instrumental versions of the songs the selector played, known in sound system culture as ‘the part 2’.
The team performing was founding member Hussla D selecting, Preacher Levi (veteran Sound System MC) and Jah Troopers UK Manager since 2006 and Ras Xprshn (veteran Reggae Artist) and Jah Troopers promoter since 1998.
They were also supported by other UK members of the team who have also repatriated, members of the ex-pat community and members of the local community, demonstrating the true community spirit of Sound System Culture.
Ethiopia Sound System Project
As this was only a test we can expect to see some great developments for Reggae and Sound System Culture in Ethiopia in the near future.
If you would like to be part of future developments or collaborate with Jah Troopers you can contact the team directly on: info@jahtroopers.com
To keep upto speed follow Jah Troopers on all social media platforms